153 Cidadão App and Combating Domestic Violence in Bragança Paulista

The municipal administration of Bragança Paulista remains committed to promoting initiatives aimed at strengthening public safety, with a special focus on combating domestic violence. One of the highlights is the "Guardiã Maria da Penha" project, dedicated to ensuring the safety and integrity of women in the region.

Since its acquisition in 2019, the “153 Cidadão” app has played a crucial role in this project, offering a specific feature called "SOS Mulher." This feature operates as an emergency button, allowing women under judicial protection measures, assisted by the "Guardiã Maria da Penha" program, to contact the Municipal Civil Guard (GCM) in crisis situations. By pressing the "Maria da Penha" button for five seconds, a distress alert is sent to the GCM's operational center, ensuring a prioritized response to the incidents.

Additionally, the app offers the "Contact Us" functionality, which allows any citizen to get in touch with the team of the GCM Guardiã Maria da Penha, enabling suggestions, compliments, and reports.

Since its launch, the app has been downloaded by 561 individuals, and over 203 citizens have used it, including 51 women who are victims of domestic violence with protective measures against their aggressors and accompanied by the Guardiã Maria da Penha program. It is noteworthy that the app has demonstrated an effectiveness of over 90% in arrests for non-compliance with protective measures in cases reported through this tool.

To receive assistance through the Guardiã Maria da Penha project, women who are victims of domestic violence must file a police report (B.O) and request protective measures, which will be forwarded to Guardiã by the Public Prosecutor's Office. Once the protective measures are granted, women are closely monitored by a team that ensures compliance with judicial determinations.

The Guardiã Maria da Penha project is the result of a partnership between the Municipal Civil Guard (GCM), representing the municipality in combating violence against women, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of São Paulo, and the Coordination of Policies for Women.

How to join the protective measure program in Bragança Paulista: 

Women interested in installing and using this tool can download the application and send a message through the"Contact Us" featurerequesting their inclusion. The application is free and available on mobile app stores. To use it, you need to register to obtain the access code, with all information provided treated with complete confidentiality.

Get to know the "153 Cidadão" App

The "153 Cidadão" app, plays a crucial role in the success of combating domestic violence in Bragança Paulista. Developed with the primary goal of bringing citizens closer to law enforcement, it offers quick and effective assistance. The app allows users to request interventions from the Municipal Civil Guard, as well as from other integrated guards in the system. Additionally, it enables reporting of incidents, communication of occurrences, registration of vehicle thefts, and offers features such as the SCHOOL SOS BUTTON and the MARIA DA PENHA BUTTON, the latter intended for women under protective measures of the Maria da Penha Law. One significant advantage of the app for the Municipal Guard is the ability to instantly identify the requester and their geographic location, facilitating the team's response to provide assistance quickly and efficiently. This technological integration strengthens the bond between the community and law enforcement, contributing to a faster and more effective response to emergency situations and domestic violence.

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