CCONET in the Media

reportagem rpc
Combatting Violence Against Women in the Metropolitan Region [RPC]

Businesses in Pinhais can adopt QR Code to report via app.

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Ponto Final Program provides real-time assistance against harassment on public transportation in Pinhais [Bem Paraná]

Pinhais City Hall and AMEP launch pioneering service to combat cases of harassment against girls and women on bus routes.

denúncia via qr code
Pinhais is the pioneer of the Ponto Final project [TV Pinhais]

In a pioneering project, Pinhais City Hall partners to launch the 'Ponto Final' program, aimed at combating harassment and sexual harassment on public transportation in the municipality and region.


mapa de calor
City Guard

Mapas de Crime: Estratégias Eficazes para a Guarda Municipal

A tecnologia tem se mostrado uma aliada poderosa na segurança pública, permitindo que órgãos de segurança, como a Guarda Municipal, aprimorem suas estratégias de combate ao crime. Uma das ferramentas tecnológicas que tem se destacado é o Mapa de Crime, oferecido pelo sistema CCONet®. Este recurso expõe as informações armazenadas

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Success Cases

153 Cidadão App and Combating Domestic Violence in Bragança Paulista

The municipal administration of Bragança Paulista remains committed to promoting initiatives aimed at strengthening public safety, with a special focus on combating domestic violence. One of the highlights is the “Guardiã Maria da Penha” project, dedicated to ensuring the safety and integrity of women in the region. Since its inception

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