Connecting the city guard to citizens: How apps are transforming public safety

In the digital age, public security is reinventing itself through technology, and apps have played a fundamental role in this process. A clear example of this revolution is the integration between the Municipal Guard and citizens through mobile apps. In this article, we will explore how these platforms are bringing closer and streamlining the response to incidents, promoting a greater sense of security and collaboration between the community and local security forces.

153 Cidadão App: Bringing Closer and Streamlining Assistance

One of the main applications in this scenario is the 153 Cidadão App, developed with the aim of providing fast and efficient assistance to residents. This platform allows citizens to request interventions from the Municipal Civil Guard and other integrated guards. Additionally, it offers features such as reporting incidents, communicating occurrences, and registering vehicle thefts. It also features the SOS School and Maria da Penha buttons, which provide immediate assistance in emergency situations, especially for women under the Maria da Penha Law protective measures. For the Municipal Guard, the app offers the advantage of instantly identifying the requester and their geographic location, facilitating the team's response.

SOS School: Protecting Our Educational Institutions

Another essential application is the SOS Escola, aimed at teachers and principals of municipal and state schools. With a simple touch, this application creates an alert in case of imminent attacks, allowing for a quick and effective response in emergency situations. The option to pair with a Bluetooth-triggered button adds an additional layer of security, ensuring that the alert is sent even in locations with limited internet connection.

SOS 153: A Lifeline in Emergencies

For individuals involved in risky activities, the SOS 153 app provides a panic button both within the app and on a physical button, offering immediate assistance in emergency situations. This tool is crucial for ensuring the safety of those facing danger in their daily lives.

Civil Defense: Ensuring Safety in Adverse Situations

In addition to the apps directly aimed at the Municipal Guard, we also highlight the importance of the Civil Defense app. Its function is to provide weather information and alerts about risk areas to citizens, ensuring their safety in adverse situations such as storms, floods, and landslides. This integration between different public security institutions contributes to a more effective response to natural disasters and other emergencies.

CCONET Mobile: Technology in the Service of Operational Efficiency

Finally, the CCONET Mobile app exemplifies how technology can streamline the work of security agents in responding to incidents. With features such as facial recognition and document reading through OCR technology, this app enables precise and detailed recording of incidents, facilitating the swift and efficient referral of suspects to the nearest police station when necessary.

Real-Life Cases of the Effectiveness of Security Apps in Protecting Citizens

One case highlighting the effectiveness of the "153 Citizen" app occurred in the "Ponto Final" program by the Pinhais City Hall. This project was created to combat harassment and sexual harassment in municipal public transportation, integrating the app as a vital tool for receiving real-time reports. Through the system provided in the app, victims can report harassment directly to municipal guards, who investigate and respond in person when necessary.

Another real-life example of the importance of the "153 Cidadão" app is its role in assisting women victims of domestic violence. Since its launch, over 203 citizens, including 51 women under protective measures against their abusers and supported by the Guardiã Maria da Penha program, have used the app to report incidents and seek help from the Municipal Civil Guard. The results are remarkable: the app has demonstrated an effectiveness of over 90% in arrests for non-compliance with protective measures in cases reported through this tool.

In summary, public safety apps are playing a crucial role in bridging the gap between Municipal Guard and citizens, providing a faster and more effective response to incidents, and promoting a greater sense of security in the community. With the advancement of technology, we can expect these platforms to continue evolving, making our cities increasingly safer and connected.

