Most populous cities in Paraná record a decrease in intentional homicides in 2023.

Recently, a study by the Analysis, Planning, and Statistics Center (CAPE) of the Paraná Public Security Secretariat, in collaboration with the Paraná Institute of Economic and Social Development (Ipardes), revealed significant reductions in crime rates during the first eight months of this year. We highlight that 13 out of the 21 most populous cities in the state ended this period with a notable 13% decrease in intentional homicides.

The cities of Pinhais, Campo Largo, São José dos Pinhais, and Toledo, where Muralha Digital or the CCONet Solution were implemented, showed particularly impressive results. The significant reduction in homicide rates in these locations is a reflection of the commitment of the security forces combined with the effectiveness of these advanced technologies.

Here are some notable highlights:

  • Pinhais: 75% reduction in homicides.
  • Campo Largo: 64% decrease in homicide cases.
  • São José dos Pinhais: 34% decrease in homicides.
  • Toledo: 21% decrease in homicides.

Other regions that registered a decrease:

Arapongas (75%), Araucária (58%), Curitiba (22%), Toledo (21%), Maringá (16%), Ponta Grossa (15%), Fazenda Rio Grande (13%), Cascavel (12%), Almirante Tamandaré (11%) and Foz do Iguaçu (7%).

Cities investing in solutions like Muralha Digital and CCONet are building more resilient communities. By taking preventive measures and quickly identifying risk events, these cities can mitigate threats before they escalate into crises. Additionally, data analysis capabilities enable strategic planning, directing resources where they are most needed.

Complete data here.

Get to know Muralha Digital®:

A Digital Wall® is designed to enhance security and facilitate traffic management in smart cities. Using advanced electronic technology, this innovative system controls and monitors the flow of vehicles and people, providing real-time data for crucial decisions related to urban mobility and public safety. At the heart of this solution are strategic devices such as surveillance cameras, sensors, license plate readers, and facial recognition systems, which come together to create an intelligent network. These elements provide vital information to a robust database, enabling detailed analysis and proactive actions such as triggering instant alerts, allowing or denying strategic access, and sending direct notifications to relevant authorities. The strategic approach of the Digital Wall® elevates urban security to a new level, providing public entities with an efficient and secure tool for urban management.

Get to know the CCONet Platform:

Facilitating Service and Strengthening Citizen Participation, CCONet is much more than a simple tool; it's an extension of efficiency and interaction in the realm of public safety. Equipped with powerful features, the agent handling incidents can leverage everything from facial recognition through photos of those involved to document reading via OCR technology. The process of closing incidents is swift and includes generating all necessary documents, enabling the quick referral of suspects to the nearest police station. These operations are monitored online by the Operational Control Center (OCC), providing a comprehensive and real-time view of ongoing activities. The importance of this solution for the control and efficiency of security agencies is undeniable, allowing for a quick and coordinated response to emerging demands, while also strengthening citizens' active participation in the public safety process.

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