For the citizen

Discover our innovative citizen solutions.

Explore our advanced tools, from 153 Cidadão app. for instant requests to the Guard, to the Maria da Penha Button, ensuring protection in critical situations. Each feature, from SOS 153 to integrated registration in the Wall, is designed to offer peace of mind and quick response.

153 Cidadão App

The 153 Cidadão app is a tool designed to shorten the distances between citizens and the Municipal Civil Guard, promoting agile and effective service.

With comprehensive features, it allows you to request interventions not only from the local Municipal Civil Guard but also from other guards integrated into the system, expanding the reach and effectiveness of public security. This innovative application allows you to make reports, report incidents, register vehicle thefts, and instantly establish direct dialogue with the guard through the integrated chat.

In this way, the 153 Cidadão not only brings closer but also empowers the citizen, offering a comprehensive platform for quick, safe, and effective interactions with the security forces, transforming community participation into a valuable component for building safer cities.




Direct Chat
with the Guard

Maria da Penha Solution

The Maria da Penha solution is more than a tool; it is a digital embrace for women under protective measures. With a dedicated map, we visualize the location of registered women, providing an agile and targeted response in critical situations. The real-time panic alert triggers a safety network, bringing immediate assistance.

We go further, providing essential data about the aggressor, empowering authorities to take effective measures. Audio recordings of the incident provide accurate documentation, strengthening legal proceedings.

Civil Defense

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SOS 153

Designed for critical moments, the SOS 153 is your lifeline in emergency situations. This feature is specifically intended for people in risky activities. With a panic button in the app or the option of a physical button, we ensure a quick and effective response, providing immediate assistance when you need it most.

SOS Escola

O SOS Escola é um escudo dedicado para professores e diretores em momentos cruciais. Desenvolvido exclusivamente para o ambiente escolar, este recurso essencial permite a criação de alerta com um simples toque diante de ameaças iminentes.

SOS Escola not only offers a quick and effective response in a time when school safety is a priority but also integrates seamlessly with Muralha Digital®. Combined, these systems provide comprehensive control, including facial recognition at school entrances and exits, real-time reporting of suspicious situations, and, of course, the physical button for maximum agility in incidents.